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发表于 2015-1-17 23:17:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 berto 于 2015-1-17 23:19 编辑

最近总是买买买 书还是看的不多 继续挖坑分享下读书心得:


读后感:主编是时任俄总参谋部副总参谋长兼作战局副局长鲁克申,来头就很不小,此人亲自指挥了2008年的俄格3日战争。这本书最重要一点 让我了解的战役—战略重兵集团的使用经验,关键本书都是对比着看毛子和NATO方方面面,从各军兵种的使用方式 作战样式 使用经验一一对比,有数据有理论 看着很过瘾 哈。。。其实这些对比就可以当做设计战棋过程的中的机制的设定了 毛子和NATO的棱角就区别开了 参考资料的多少决定了一个战棋的成败啊。。。好像说偏了。。。继续说书。。。本书也是第一次系统的把现代局部战争进行了梳理和分类 其实里边的思想就是作者对冷战和现代局部的认识 可以用作架空战棋的剧本的设计思路。。。


读后感:屌丝奋斗史啊 哈!!真真正正的有才能的人怎么都不会被埋没。一个在一战中只服役过5个月(还是在奥匈那边。。。)的42岁的奥地利人1941初登东部战线(在6PzD的第6摩步旅做参谋,此前没有参加过任何战斗),此时世人怎么也不会想到他能最后能坐上第4装甲集团军司令的交椅。他的上司——6PzD师长landgraf开始对这位师里的二号人物也是心里没底,但很快劳斯以出色的参谋技巧和指挥艺术赢得了师里所有人的首肯。1941.9劳斯升任6PzD的师长,后续参加了台风战役 卡尔科夫 库尔斯等战役 我直接摘抄简历了:

Pre war

08-01-1889, Born in Wolframitz, Moravia to Hubert and Josefa Raus, baptized in the roman cathlic church on january 12.
01-10-1905, Entered the Austrian/Hungarian army infantry cadet school at Koenigsveld.
18-08-1909, Commissioned as officer aspirant in infantry regiment 1 at troppau. Served as platoon commander untill 1914.
01-05-1912, Promoted to Lieutenant (Leutnant)

World war 1

06-08-1914, Fought at the start of the war as platooncommander in bycicle light infantry batallion 1 in Lublin and Beskiden.
01-01-1915, Promoted to lieutenant first class, fought during 1915 at Limanova, Gorlice, The Isonzo river and Mt Piano.
06-02-1915, Awarded the bronze military defense medal of the military defense cross with war decoration and swords.
05-10-1915, Awarded the military defense cross, 3rd class  with war decorations and swords.
01-02-1916, Became batallion adjutant in bycicle batallion 1 during the fights at Val Sugano, Col de Lana, Mt, Adamello and in the offensive onto southern Tyrolia.
15-03-1917, Awarded the Charles troop cross during the fights at Fleimstal, Asticotal, Mt. Meletta, and Col del Rosso.
02-07-1917, Awarded the silver defense medal of the military cross.
15-09-1917, Became  acting company commander, bycicle company of 20th light infantry batallion.
20-11-1917, Became  company commander, bycicle company of 20th light infantry batallion.
01-02-1918, Promoted to captain (Hauptmann) during the fights at the Piave river.
16-03-1918, Awarded with the Iron Crown 3rd class with war decoration and swords.
19-06-1918, Appointed as batallion commander, bycicle company of  light infantry batallion 1.
17-08-1918, Married to Anna Morsani, a 25 year old daughter of a school principal in Trieste.


18-01-1919, Selected for retention in the Austrian army, appointed deputy to the commander of the bycicle troop reserves.
06-05-1920, Attached as adjutant , Bycicle light infantry batallion 2. ( became permanent in may 1921)
08-07-1921, Brevetted major.
01-10-1922, Attached as infantry training specialist to detachment 4 (bycicle and machinegun troops) Austrian army Ministry.
01-03-1923, Appointed staff captain.
01-05-1924 /15-09-1932 Begins as training instructor infantry course at Bruckneudorf, holds a series of staff positions and starts with general staff training.
19-11-1924, His wife gave birth to a daughter named Isa.
01-01-1927, Promoted to major.
09-03-1931, Awarded with Hungarian War service medal.
15-09-1932, Appointed to the general staff, attached to the infantryschool.
02-12-1932, Attached for three months to Detachment 2 (training) in the Austrian war Ministry.
15-05-1933, Became tactical instructor at the infantry school at Vienna.
21-04-1934, Awarded silver honors badge for actions during the "february uprising" in Vienna.
01-09-1934, Becanme commander of the infantryschool, Bruck.
08-10-1934, Awarded military service badge 2nd class.
19-12-1936, Promoted to Colonel.
01-11-1937, Appointed to a post in the Austrian defense ministry.
25-01-1938, Military attache for Italy and Albania.
13-03-1938, Anschluss of Austria and Germany.
21-03-1938, Takes military oath to join the Wehrmacht.
25-03-1938, Appointed as liaison officer to the German 8th army.
01-04-1938, Attached to the staff of army group command 5 ( Vienna)
25-05-1938, Acting CO infantry training regiment 50 up to 28 june 1938. ( later this becomes infantry regiment 50)
27-07-1938, Assigned rank as Lieutenant-colonel (oberst) with seniority  from 01-08-1936 to the German army
01-08-1938, Appointed to the staff of army group command 5 (Vienna)
15-08-1938, Assigned rank as colonel (later modified in 1939)
10-11-1938, Appointed as officer on special assignement to general of Infantry Wilhelm von List, CO of army group 5.
20-04-1939, Appointed chief of staff to Wehrkreis XVII and XVII Corps.

World war II

01-12-1939, Awarded honors decorations, 4th through 1st classes dated back to january 1939.
26-06-1940, Appointed commander, motorized infantry regiment 243, 60th infantrydivision.
25-07-1940, Appointed commander, motorized infantry regiment 4, 6th panzerdivision.
30-11-1940, Awarded the war service cross, 2nd class.
11-03-1941, Declared fit for duty in the tropics.
01-05-1941, Commander 6th motorised brigade, 6th panzerdivision.

After Barbarossa

29-06-1941, Awarded with the Iron Cross, 2nd class for his actions at raiseinai and in early advance of 6th pz division into the Baltic states.
06-07-1941, Awarded with the Iron Cross, 1st class for his actions in the piercing of the "Stalinline".
14-08-1941, Promoted to major-general with seniority from 01-09-1941.
01-09-1941, Awarded the armored combat badge.
07-09-1941, Appointed acting commander of 6th panzerdivision.
Allthough general Landgraf remained commander on paper, Raus took over operational command while Landgraf was assigned on a special mission to XLI panzercorps.
11-10-1941, Awarded with Knights Cross for the defense of the Luga river bridgehead.
29-04-1942, Appointed commander of the 6th panzerdivision.
01-08-1942, Awarded with the eastern campaign medal.
21-01-1943, Promoted to lieutenant-general.
07-02-1943, Attached on special assignement to army group Don.
10-02-1943, Appointed as acting commander of provisional corps Cramer ( renamed corps Raus 30 march 1943)
14-02-1943, Awarded with the German cross in gold.
20-04-1943, Promoted to general of panzertruppen.
10-05-1943, Appointing acting commander of XI corps which is the new designation of provisional Corps raus.
20-07-1943, Appointed commander of XI Corps.
22-08-1943, Awarded oak leaves to the knights cross for defensive fighting from Belgorod to Kharkov (4th battle for Kharkov) during august.
05-11-1943, Appointed commander of XLVII panzer corps.
26-11-1943, Attached on special assignment to 4th panzer army.
30-11-1943, Appointed deputy commander of 4th panzer army.
10-12-1943, Appointed as acting commander 4th panzer army.
14-03-1944, Appointed commander of 4th panzer army.
21-04-1944, Appointed as acting commander, 1st panzer army, in the absence of colonel-general Hube. Walther Nehring serves as acting commander fro 4th pzarmy.
18-05-1944, Appointed commander 1st panzerarmy.
07/08-1944, Appointed as commander Armeegruppe Raus which was formed of 1st panzerarmy , Hungarian and Slowakian troops.
16-08-1944, Acting commander 3rd panzer army.
20-09-1944, Promoted to colonel-general.
10-03-1945, Relieved of command 3rd pz army and put on reserve status.
14-05-1945, Surrendered to allied troops and remained as POW till 30 june 1947.
03-04-1956, Died in Vienna general hospital.

继续说书,劳斯是一位很好的作者 文笔很好 不同于古德里安 曼施泰因回忆录 劳斯的回忆录很生动 虽然缺乏大蓝图似的对战争的描述 但对诸兵种合成的战斗描写很清楚 他本身也是一位装甲指挥大师 只不过被遗忘了而已 而美军Historical Program给予了他高度评价 并把他的作品作为小建制战术行动指南只要作品。光“古龙曼”多没劲,推荐各位一读劳斯回忆录 别有一番风味 哈。

好了我的说完了 该你们了~~~~


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发表于 2015-1-20 11:47:28 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2015-1-20 11:54:52 | 显示全部楼层
看了三章《东进》中文版,转进到Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle for Smolensk (David Glantz)第一卷去了。

还在拖欠的有The Austria Succession War, Crisis in Snow
发表于 2015-1-20 12:02:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-20 12:16:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-20 12:23:45 | 显示全部楼层
耶城看了1/3 天国看了个头 甲午也是看了个头
发表于 2015-1-20 12:31:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 乱拳打死英雄 于 2015-1-20 12:35 编辑
soul 发表于 2015-1-20 11:54
看了三章《东进》中文版,转进到Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle for Smolensk (David Glantz)第一卷去了 ...

发表于 2015-1-20 12:51:01 | 显示全部楼层
耶路撒冷看到了十字军时代,阿拉伯的劳伦斯和天国开了个头,1806 Poland也是个头,战后欧洲史还没动手
发表于 2015-1-20 12:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-1-20 13:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
乱拳打死英雄 发表于 2015-1-20 12:31

amazon.com 现在美亚书运费很低
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